What a good DEAL!
Advertorial One thing Singaporeans love complaining about is that Singapore is BORING. Well Singapore is actually not boring but loads of activities cost money and we are not known to be particularly generous when it comes to parting with our cash!! And that's why if you are looking for some awesome fun that delivers more than what you paid for, you can check out DEAL.com.sg ! Gotta love DEAL.com.sg coz they give such crazy good discounts!! I think I will never ever book holidays/facials/you-name-it-services any other way again. One of the best things about the site is when you are surfing it, even if you don't spend any money, just looking at the deals gives you so many ideas on what you can do with your free time. For example... How about going on a first date at Sentosa with the birds, dolphins, butterflies and fishes? $35 very affordable leh can spend one whole day there!! Or be kiasu and make sure your Halloween is going to be fantastic and way above others? (Geddit? Coz...