Well…not as big as they used to be physically but my mental and emotional shoulders are definitely making up for that loss…lol. What the heck does this have to do with fitness, my life, my health…I say everything! When you are in a position of internet personality, helping people from around the world, bravely putting yourself out there for all to see through images, videos, and opinions…well…the mental shoulders get well developed. As you know, I am a say it like it is person, trainer, consultant, coach, expert and any other name that gets tagged onto “Darla” the fitness gal. In this position, I MUST remain POSITIVE and let things roll off my back like a duck sometimes. The majority of the time, I am taken with appreciation, and thankfulness from so many for providing the hope they thought was never possible…touching to me as my purpose to help has been accomplished. The other side of the coin can be exactly the opposite and filled with stateme...