How many of us stand in the truth of our life or live in denial and non-acceptance of the actions that clearly rebel against a healthy lifestyle? I wish I could see a show of hands and have a world-wide workshop to discuss this issue. Standing in our truth has everything to do with being able to become a healthy person, and can be applied to all areas of our life: relationships, careers, fitness, and overall health which represent a moderate list that encompasses our existence as a human being. Being honest with our self is the first step to being able to change those things that are weighing us down physically and emotionally. If we are unable to be honest with ourselves, then being honest with others will not happen. When lying to ourselves is at the forefront of or life, behaviors are usually exhibited through bitterness, anger, blame of others, argumentative reasoning, defensiveness, unhappiness, and a clear nonacceptance of responsibility. On the other side ...