Why Wait for New Year to Make a Change?
I enjoy the excitement and celebration of New Year but not really a big fan of the resolutions. Largely due to seeing so many people not follow through after a few weeks, or even days. The fireworks of new healthy promises are typically replaced by old habits. The new healthy lifestyle fizzles back into the norm of unhealthy choices. Sad but true. Why wait for New Year’s to make a positive decision to change your life and become healthier people? Today is always the best day to make a change. Never put off until tomorrow what can be accomplished today. New Year has been a holiday used as a crutch to continue living unhealthy lives. Why? Because we put off until the New Year what we should be doing now and abuse the days leading up to the event. We create an excuse to consume large amounts of unhealthy food and avoid starting an exercise program until the so-called magical perfect time. The reality is no perfect time exists and life doesn't wait for our ...