
Showing posts from February, 2016

Health Care and Ambulatory Care

Ambulatory care or outpatient care is medical care provided on an outpatient basis, including diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation services. This care can include advanced medical technology and procedures even when provided outside of hospitals. According to Modern Healthcare magazine, there is a new trend toward building medical facilities that focus on treating and releasing patients on an ambulatory basis. One of the big drivers of the trend toward bedless hospitals is cost. Under pressure from insurers and consumers, hospital systems have been shifting to lower-cost outpatient care, from which they generally earn higher margins than inpatient care. But a lot of this also is driven by consumer demand and the evolution of technology. Many health systems are forgoing traditional hospital expansions and building free-standing emergency centers away from main hospitals. More details about this topic are located at this site: http://www.mod...

Complaining Doesn't Change Your Fitness

We all complain from time to time and that's called life, but what about when it interferes with our fitness? What good does it do to constantly complain, be unhappy and bring on a full Debbie or Dave Downer attitude without being willing to change the situation?  It's like a leaky faucet we watch drip all over the place, complain about it but refuse to fix the darn thing. Too many people are complaining and not doing, and seriously, how's that working for you? Complaints only go so far and then the radio gets turned off. Who wants to continually listen to a self-bashing session when the outcome is always the same. Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body starts by stopping the complaints and getting to work on fixing the problem. The extra fat on the gut or butt isn't going to disappear on its own no matter how much complaining comes out of your mouth. What will help is putting the negative energy (complaints) into positive action . Start by ditching the complaint...

Health Care and Rosacea

One of the most embarrassing health maladies is the skin rash that appears on your face and is known as Rosacea. Many people suffer from redness and the bumps that accompany it. This dermatologic condition is uncomfortable and irritating to deal with if you’ve ever had it or know someone who does. Because of its red-faced, acne-like effects on personal appearance, however, it can cause significant psychological, social and occupational problems if left untreated. According to the National Rosacea Society (NRS), this common but poorly understood disorder of the facial skin that is estimated to affect well over 16 million Americans -- and most of them don't know it. In fact, while rosacea is becoming increasingly widespread as the populous baby boom generation enters the most susceptible ages, a NRS survey found that 95 percent of rosacea patients had known little or nothing about its signs and symptoms prior to their diagnosis. Much more information is located at this website: http:...

Health Care and Zika

A new virus has reared its ugly head. Just when you think SARS, MERSA, Ebola, Chikengunya, Swine and Bird Flus, and a host of other recent critical diseases have been contained, a new bug goes rogue. Currently the World Health Organization and other agencies are tracking the movement of the disease with various mechanisms and reporting.  Zika is primarily a threat to pregnant women due to the potential harm to unborn children. Zika virus is not new. Outbreaks have occurred in areas of Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is new in the Americas, however. Brazil reported the first case in May 2015, and since then, infections have occurred in at least 20 countries in the Americas. Puerto Rico reported the first locally transmitted infection in December 2015, and Zika cases are now being reported in the United States, all from returning travelers, reported CNN earlier last week . The first case of sexually transmitted Zika was reported in Dallas, Texas, this month from a ...