
Showing posts from July, 2016

Food is Not the Enemy

It would be easy to blame food for being overweight and unhealthy. The truth is food is not the enemy. In fact, our very survival is based on food and water for optimal body functioning. Let's be honest. Getting healthy is about taking responsibility and making the right daily choices to improve our fitness . It's up to us to choose the right food to support a healthy body. We only have ourselves to blame when the grocery cart is filled with frozen pizzas, pastries, ice cream, and sodas. Then there are the portion sizes. We're eating way too much at one sitting. Whether the food is healthy or unhealthy, eating too many calories and not burning that energy creates an excess energy bank stored as fat. We may also try to convince ourselves eating processed foods in the appropriate caloric portions is healthy. Outwardly we may give an appearance of being an appropriate weight, but inside we are a hot mess and feeling like it. We have become a skinny fat person . Processed fa...

We Do What We Think Is Important

Did you know the brain is an organ that controls the functions of the body?   "It is sometimes referred to as a muscle of thinking as the brain actually tells your muscles what to do."  Often times we get in the way of our brain. It's trying to tell us to eat right , exercise, and get plenty of rest but we go full rebel on ourselves. Instead of listening to what we should do, we do what we think is important. Health and fitness haven't made the important list for many of us. We are so caught up in doing things that never include workouts or cooking a healthy meal. We would rather sit with our faces buried in an illuminated screen with a bag of chips. Well, everyone has busy lives and there is someone busier than you working out right now. When are we going to allow our brain to control our muscles during a great workout ? Our body is not meant to sit in office chairs all day moving to the sofa for the remainder of the night. It's meant to be challenged, worked ...

Fitness is to Better Our Life Not to Be a Burden

Fitness is awesome! I believe we can all agree on that statement. It makes us feel good, look good and should motivate us to continue the lifestyle. Health is about living a quality life and the true definition of fitness . How can something as fabulous as fitness be considered a burden to so many? Workouts and eating right are almost considered dirty words. Many even use exercise as punishment for unhealthy food choices. People are walking around pissed off at fitness because they're not fit. Does that make any sense? Instead of working toward quality life and health, society continues to not take responsibility for their choices. Processed food marketing and a fast paced world have captured the attention of millions. Obesity is growing at an epidemic rate and researchers are scratching their heads for answers. We believe in fitness in a bottle and burning body fat sitting on the sofa. Our mental game about fitness is skewed. How we think about ourselves, life and health need ...

Mad at Menopause

Just thinking about the title is bringing on a hot flash. Well, I must admit to being mad at menopause. Turning 50 was an exciting time and I still enjoy being in the club. The hormonal changes my body is experiencing right now not so much.  Brace yourself, I will be talking very candidly about my experience with hormone changes and my body. This is not meant to offend anyone. Going through the change is a subject many are afraid to discuss out of embarrassment , fear, or the belief it should be hush-hush . We have come too far to continue this way of thinking. Health involves discussing all things relating to the human body and aging. I for one am all about sharing, learning, and getting feedback from others on the subject. LIFE SAVER I have been frantically researching hormone imbalance for a few years now. I have tried supplementation, herbals, transdermal creams, and natural moisturizers attempting to restore balance in my body.  I am very aware of foods that help with h...

Unacceptable Responses to the Taylor Swift vs Kim Kardashian Drama right now

(And also unacceptable for any form of internet drama. Also, my thoughts on the saga) So Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian are having a huge fight right now, which unless - good for you  😒 - you are one of those enlightened people who don't give a shit about celebrity gossip, you probably have heard about. As with all internet drama, there will be people leaving comments and giving their opinions. Thinking about leaving your opinion or comment about the drama? DON'T DO IT YET. Today I will be posting about 6 types of comments people leave and WHY THEY ARE UNACCEPTABLE. Unacceptable! But first, since this post is written for this Taylor Swift (and squad) vs Kim Kardashian West (and family) drama, let's quickly recap what just happened. If you already know, skip to the part with the red words. Background: Back in 2009 Kanye West went on stage interrupting some award Taylor Swift got, and said Beyonce should have won instead. This one we all knew, right? Since then, he has bee...

Take Fitness on Vacation

Just because we go on vacation doesn't mean we should toss fitness out the window. It's important to keep up some physical activity and healthy eating during vacay. What if we're enjoying an extended month vacation? Eating completely off track and halting our workouts would result in fat gain, some muscle atrophy and feeling like crap. We would not be happy with ourselves especially if fitness is our lifestyle. Besides, we're not taking a vacation from our health and fitness. Time off means stepping away from our daily work routine. It's a time to relax, forget about time clocks, and breathe in some freedom from everyday stress . Vacations are not for the purpose of binge eating and moving like a sloth. When did this thought process start happening? It appears vacay has become an unhealthy food planning extravaganza. I'm not saying to snub indulgences. That's unrealistic and by all means, we should all enjoy our choice favorites. What shouldn't happen is...