
The current Shang dynasty for the daffodils is really traumatized, very clear, this person does not do anything related to him closely, as if he This is a very bizarre kind of feeling, and it is clear to Huan that he himself is cultivating himself. Thinking back and forth, Formation, dance and so on are all spiritual aspects, this individual is a kind of mental behavior, the individual on the face of the cultivation cultivation, just like the cultivation itself. But, the situation. Thinking a little, Shang Hao thought of the defect, his body has caught up with the victim Eyes open, the second time Huan fell in love with his learning situation to the knife, very clear, and then cultivate the first, it seems that at any time can be implemented. From the tent to the outside, the Hao turned to the countryside running away. Very quickly, Shang Hao went to a place without people, then took out a great bar from the middle aged people died on. Based on the momentum of breaking the dance.However, just dance the way, then suddenly find out that the dance is the spirit of course, the body is also not follow up.No obstacle! Foot hurricane, hurricane slow drop speed, strict based on the enlightenment to implement a knife. Later, Shang Hao is rapidly increasing speed. Not long ago, the foot of the air movement, Shang Hao was able to completely develop the first shot of romanticism. Nowadays, Shang Hao is the most excruciating, the most miserable of the senses is can be at Insufficiency of the inner workings of the enlightenment is so quick, so enlightened to succeed, using the body outside to coordinate, can very quickly learn this type of knife. Can be learned so fast, real furniture can be at the internal completion of the process or not? Could be! Thinking a little, Shang Hao know, now the problem is, the key point is The toughness of your body, if the toughness of your body can keep up with your feelings, b Anatomy is what kind of content I can also quickly learn.Indo put in front of the Hao is still a Guess, only bring his own body can train to catch up with the self-enlightenment I may be the god guessing Hao is also the best law. When the god guess, then suddenly thinking of a cure to the body found. Very quickly take out seriously. Looking back at this time, it was not uncommon for these remedies to be a herbal remedy that could be bought at a secular drugstore, but only five of them, The secular drugstore does not have. Capital of the Hear must not intend to see the current trading situation Now that we need these five herbs, Shang Hao can only go to the trading market to see if these herbs are sold or not. Because to hold more intellectual knowledge, Just sit at this table, bring the encyclopedia picture paints flip flip page by page. Very fast, a very encyclopedia encyclopedic paint thick enough to have been turned over by more than ten pages. More than ten pages of this content later, Shang Hao immediately closed his eyes to bring psychic input into the well-being. Newly inside the sense of learning, Shang Hao was surprised to see this person inside also holding a picture book Painting the brains in that place.A series of knowledge flowing into the brain.How can be! is startling, each content, subtle personality condensation can conduct the same study and analysis, at the same time, learning and analysis of such content will also become his knowledge.This is also a At present, Shang Hao has found out that the three kinds of danters are miraculous, the most miraculous being the blessing, the key is the inner good that motivates the subconscious mind. The content page is very fast, the person sitting in the middle of the fill is no longer static. This is to bring the book is constantly changing the page, each time to flip a sheet, Carefully or not seriously looked at the contents of the scan. Time after hours, Shang Hao brought the picture book to the top, Then the mind sank into the well-being. At this point, the mother again began the study process. Huan now has a finding, according to this scholar study, land condensed seems to be Attracted to look at, only see this land turned into a piece of goodness immediately poured into the body of the individual. Seeing such a situation, Shang Hao knows the loss of good, the originalThis is a very serious matter. The way to go later, the main possibility is to confine within the realms of the world, just right in the secular world to do good, only so, heterosexual. His miraculous powers can continue as well. A book of paintings is so thick that the brigade has been finished by the brigade.Ing inside, Shang Hao knew that he really put the content in the picture book. draw the other hold. You can use arrow keys or WASD to go back / to chapter. Full story - Read stories online, read stories, stories or stories. Website always update the new series of special genres such as story, story, sword, or story in the fastest way. Support for all devices such as cell phones and tablets.Contact - ToS - SitemapWe are proud to announce the release of the new version of Samsung Galaxy smartphone delicious delicious delicious delicacies delicious


Junior High School 52

Chapter 52
 The next chapter

Translator: Dragon Cactus

Hao also did not look at the other books, rehearsing the first one again, then proceeded to the trading market.

Look at the two flowers of Hua Hui Shui put into the wisdom bags, now known as Hieu Huynh known two kinds of herbs, two roots of this herb is a tree root is Van Mien, making a fine knit for nuns, considered a worthwhile thing for a nun, another is dark black, is a key medicine knit knit, knit knit is a kind of magnetic knit First-to-Second-Stage Gas Treatment, then finished, can then help advance the Second Gas Works.

Thuy do Thu Thuy is sure to market transactions, in his hand have two roots of this herb!

Shang Hao brought two roots of lepidopter look a bit, in the heart is also the center.

Capital Trade is worrying in his hands, there are not many laxatives, want to buy anything also can not buy, now all right, there are two roots of this drop o, also can be exchanged a few things. .

Slow pace at this market, the practitioners put up a lot of stalls, a look back to Hao, a general look is normal furniture, think a little, go talk

When he finished the contents of the book, he saw the contents of the kind of mushrooms on the stalls, knew what he was looking for. Little, the feeling of these hybrids are not very good.

"You are walking the market?"

Diem Ha do not know from any place rush out, very curious look Hao.

Diec la ha think, this current love must be anxious fear, the thought is to escape, to avoid being beaten by the Indians, but now see the Love is still in this place exposed It is very leisurely, then the feast of communion, thought this little son deep secret not to be.

Trinh Minh Tieu, the trainee's observer, is also very eye-catching, as he thinks it is a first-class gas trainer, wanting to collect all the Merchants without a problem.

Xie Li even secretly observed the Shang Hao leave, the first floor gas trainer is also followed, he thought, this time Hao confirmed affair finished life.

However, after that happened completely out of Judge Da Grau, Brigade has returned, high first-class gas trainer also missing, what is the situation after all?

Diem Ha is not thought out, the more the notion that Hanh also is not ordinary people, although the Han looks like tu tu not much, perhaps behind people are silently guard.

Having such a thought, Dạ Hà Hà actively cooperated with Shang Hao greeting.

Looking forward to the evening, look at this little child, though avoiding himself, still, silently pointing at his departure, for the feast of the Feeling is a little feminine.

Smiling smile, Shang Hao said: "View

"Oh, this place is all traded using animals, or the use of gems, we have money, unfortunately people do not collect money, sorrow!"

Diem Ha is very clear that the old monk, bring no money on the person, want to buy a piece of the basic is also not have any.

To hear that, the inner-hearted love, for him to say, now there are more secular money is more important, more secular money, he can do better things more.

"Do not know what you want to buy?"

"This time I want to buy a law book that scrutinizes the law, not thinking of the enemy to take only the gems, I do not have!"

Shang Hao abacus situation in the inner pocket of the body itself


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